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Hi all, I am trying to install Spryker B2B with docker … everything seems to be going well until it
Hi all,
I am trying to install Spryker B2B with docker … everything seems to be going well until it tries to run installation recipe I get this error …
Any suggestions ? where can I see the logs … because even when I try to read containers logs I don’t seem to find them (or not anything useful)
It seems to be a compatibility problem of the current images and node. Please take a look at the post of Sarah Baumann, a few days ago. It was already discussed there
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One way you can resolve this is by pulling in the latest versions of both
using adocker/sdk cli npm install ...
command line. That should do the trick. Otherwise refer to the post by Sarah.0 -
i tried to change php image version as mentioned by @ULYHPR789 but now I get a different error (again with npm)
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I think I will try to revert the changes and check your suggestion @UK5EG6PBM
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Wrong Thomas. 😄
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hehe sorry
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I get this error here
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I deleted all the images and containers and restarted and it seems to work now
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I added the hostnamse to the hosts file
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but I cannot access Yves
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am I missing something?
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That makes sense because your setup never started.
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It aborted in one of the pre-steps.
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it's also in a broken state right now
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so to mangle your way through this:
docker-compose -f docker/deployment/default/docker-compose.yml up -d
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after that the docker/sdk cli command I mentioned
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then after that - important - docker/sdk reset
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ah ok. weird.
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after I deleted all the images and containers I ran
again and thenup
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which started docker environment
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I can see now all containers that deploy.dev.yaml describes
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the only issue at the moment I think is that I cannot access the app 😅
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The primal issue was incompatibility with alpine 3.12 and outdated sass npm module
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I updated php image so now it is
image: spryker/php:7.2-alpine3.10
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So for the history:
The options are:
• use apline3.10 image: spryker/php7.3-alpine3.10 (or what PHP version do you use)
• Upgrade oryx to 2.6.00 -
Installation passed successfully so I assume the original issue is resolved … now the servers are running but I cannot access them
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oh oh wait
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i was trying to access with https
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