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Hi , Anybody knows how FacetFilter fetching filters for the perticular category ?

Hi ,
Anybody knows how FacetFilter fetching filters for the perticular category ?
-> Search for "category filter" in the documentation.
Filters can be configured by category and these configuration will be put into the storage (redis) and fetched once a specific category is set in the search filters, as category pages are a specialized search.
You can find the implementation at:\Spryker\Client\ProductCategoryFilterStorage\ProductCategoryFilterStorageClientInterface
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Can you guide me our this point :-
We want to show some data on product detail page according to the product id or SKU. So, basically I have created a custom module and added three columns in our custom module table. First product_key it is forgien key (primary key of product table) and 2nd is Custom_key and 3rd one is Custom_value. Now I want to show this custom fields in PDP, I have already show this data on backadmin side. Now I just want to show this data on frontend side. I have checked the documentation and follow these steps but still we are stuck. So could you please help me on this :-Followed documentation links :- https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/yves/controllers-and-actions.html#input-parameters
https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/yves/yves-routes.html0 -
@U03DBF2H9DY Why so complicated? Products can easily be extend with additional attributes, either via attributes (https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/tutorials-and-howtos/howtos/howto-product-data-from-import-to-frontend-view.html#add-new-attr[β¦]-to-a-product) if you only want to display them.
Or by extending the spy_product_abstract, respective the spy_product_abstract_localized_attributes table if the attribute value should be translated per locale, through the propel schema (https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/zed/persistence-layer/database-schema-definition.html#schema-file-merge) and extending the transfer definition (https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/data-manipulation/data-in[β¦]preparations/create-use-and-extend-the-transfer-objects.html).A new module should either introduce new functionality or replace existing functionality of a core module. In this case both isn't necessary as the core provides already capabilities to extend the product without the need of a new module.
I really would suggest you attending the Spryker Academy with an instructor lead course, to get those basics as an understanding of the core principles of Spryker will make you developer live a lot easier.
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@UL6DGRULR We are doing the out of box things that's why we needed the help. I know how we can handle the attribute stuff from Backoffice.
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