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I'm just playing around with the GLUE Api. It seems that the API documented here
I'm just playing around with the GLUE Api. It seems that the API documented here https://documentation.spryker.com/glue_rest_api/rest-api-reference.htm is not consistent with what I get from my local installation. Is there a way to get the API documentation of the local installation? For example with spring boot applications and swagger ui the API is accessible through http://localhost:8080/your-app-root/swagger-ui.html.
Are you running docker or vagrant devvm?
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Using latest master of
it should be possible to open<https://swagger.spryker.local/>
.0 -
Also to generate actual swagger info you need to run
docker/sdk cli console rest-api:generate:documentation
.0 -
Check that you have
services: swagger: engine: swagger-ui endpoints: swagger.spryker.local:
in your deploy.dev.yml
and corresponding host in
like127.0.0.1 zed.de.spryker.local yves.de.spryker.local glue.de.spryker.local zed.at.spryker.local yves.at.spryker.local glue.at.spryker.local zed.us.spryker.local yves.us.spryker.local glue.us.spryker.local mail.spryker.local scheduler.spryker.local queue.spryker.local swagger.spryker.local
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Thanks! I'll give it a try...
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When I try to generate the documentation I get this:
Store: DE369 | Environment: docker
This command intended to be used non production environment only!0 -
I don't know why it thinks that your env is not development one, this is a question more for channel, but this behavior is configurable here -
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Ok, that helped. The documentation command now runs without the error message. But on swagger.spryker.local/ is still see the default petstore documentation.
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What is the difference between what you see in swagger and what you expect to see there? Are some endpoints missing?
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It shows the default petstore API documentation. Not the Spryker Glue API.
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That file exists in my project, but the url within the swagger browser does not work
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@ULYHPR789 could you look into it when you have time? Maybe I'm missing something.
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@UPDV9V3ST You need to rebuild swagger image to put yml inside.
docker/sdk up
should rebuild it.0
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