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Classes & interfaces in Spryker's GlueApplication module are "deprecated without replacement"?

a lot of classes & interfaces in spryker's GlueApplication module are "deprecated without replacement". like:
β’ \Spryker\Glue\GlueApplication\Rest\Request\Data\RestRequestInterface
β’ \Spryker\Glue\GlueApplication\Rest\ControllerFilter
these classes are fundamental for the rest api functionality it provides. if these classes are removed & there's no replacement, there would be no glue anymore. what is the plan here?
how am i supposed to implement new features right now if i don't want to rely on deprecated functionality?
Glue was refactored to be decoupled from JSON:API and allow to implement any API format and transport protocol with it.
is replaced by a transfer object (https://github.com/spryker/glue-application/blob/master/src/Spryker/Glue/GlueApplication/Resource/GenericResource.php).The controller filter is replaced by multiple things, depending on what you need from the deprecated ControllerFilter it might be implementable by a plugin of one of the interfaces in https://github.com/spryker/glue-application-extension/tree/master/src/Spryker/Glue/GlueApplicationExtension/Dependency/Plugin
The new glue infrastructure is capable of adjusting almost any part of the routing/filtering and request/response formatting and validation.
Sadly I'm not able anymore to find the related documentation, but I thought I had already seen it in docs.spryker.com
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hey alberto, thanks for the info! do you maybe know any spryker module which is already using the new way to go?
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https://github.com/spryker/service-points-backend-api could serve you as an example
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thank you!
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