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Hey guys, has anyone encountered the issue that abstract-products are not getting synced to elastics

Hey guys, has anyone encountered the issue that abstract-products are not getting synced to elasticsearch, they appear in both DB and Redis, but not ES. Concrete products and another custom item has arrived in elastic search but not abstract products? This is a blocker to getting a response on the catalogue-search endpoint, any ideas ?
Does RMQ have any unprocessed messages? Are there any messages in the *.error queues?
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@valerii.trots yes iβve just found this, wouldnβt even have thought to check here
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The "funny" part now is to debug what is happening there.
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i know π but at least its some progress, this Spryker system is really something so many moving parts
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Indeed. π
In a nutshell we use ES and Redis as a cache for frontoffice. ES is used in PLP and Search. Redis is used in PDP and other places.
There is a feature called Publish&Synchronize that syncs needed data from DB to Redis\ES via RMQ + Jenkins (RMQ as messages broker and Jenkins as a cron that runs applications console commands that consume messages).0 -
@valerii.trots canβt seem to get any return on the event listeners, it suggests using an id, would you have any idea what thatβd be? I tried βproduct_abstract.de.de_de.1β nothing returning
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Shouldn't it be
?0 -
yea i just couldnt use the β : β without triggering emotes
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Unfortunately I'm not that deep into the topic and not a dev either.
Aren't usage examples https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/data-manipulation/data-publishing/debugging-listeners.html#usage-examples helpful?0 -
no unfortunately not it seems they just recommend using int, e.g. 1, 2 or 3 etc ..
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thanks for your help to now !
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