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Itβs a history of our time together in the Slack Community! Thereβs a ton of knowledge in here, so feel free to search through the archives for a possible answer to your question.
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Hi , I'm curious, because I could not find anything in the documentation or in the

Hi ,
I'm curious, because I could not find anything in the documentation or in the code (tbh. just a quick search).
Is there any REST-API to access functionality regarding Zed/Backoffice? Like creating a CMS page?
Hi Michael, backoffice API isn't there yet AFAIK.
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Hi, you can take a closer look into https://github.com/spryker/api But for this you have to write your own ApiResourcePlugin
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This one is alpha and was abandoned so please consider if you are going to use it or rather better to wait for BO API.
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@valerii.trots Thanks for the information!
"wait for BO API". Do you know if there is anything planned? Like 1 week, 1 month, 6 month or a year?w0 -
It's in the backlog but without any ETA. @jeremy.fourna knows better here.
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@U02JWPGK5CZ we use the spryker api since many years in our projects and have no problems with it
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