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Hello community, after a recent update (spryker/product-management 0.19.16 > 0.19.17) the product
Hello community,
after a recent update (spryker/product-management 0.19.16 > 0.19.17) the product-management GUI in zed stopped working. The ajax-request which fetches the table-data fails with this error:
Cannot determine the column to bind to the parameter in clause "SpyProductAbstractLocalizedAttributes.fkLocale = ?".
I kinda tracked it down to this line:
If changed from fkLocale
to fk_locale
(like the database-column-name) it works. Is it a known problem or do I have do update other dependencies to get it back working again?
what database type do you use?
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Hey @UKBTMFXMJ, on our local dev-setups we use the docker/sdk where postgres is configured. I did not tested the behaviour in another environment so far
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It's regression issue after latest release, internal ticket is created. We will fix a new patch release soon. Thanks for the reporting.
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Thanks for confirmation. We currently fixed the version to 0.19.16 but will update to the new release when available
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Ok, we will let you know in this thread.
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Great, thank you 🙂
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Just out of the curiosity, where exactly the problem appears?
Just checked using public spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop. Updated mentioned module to the latest with dependencies and have no problems in Zed. Am I looking at wrong place?0 -
The problem occured on one of our projects (initially started on the 202009.0 release from b2c-suite) after we did a composer update to get the latest patches/fixes, @valerii.trots.
This composer updated did an update for spryker/product-management 0.19.16 to 0.19.17.
Afterwards, the table-ajaxcall on /product-management fails with the exception mentioned above. Reverting back to 0.19.16 immediately resolves this. Also a temporary change in the vendor-file (see my initial post) resolves this.
As far as I can see we have no project-level changes in pyz/Zed/ProductManagement0 -
Interesting. 🤔
docker/sdk cli composer update spryker/product-management Finished: success: 1, skipped: 0, failure: 0, total: 1 Updating spryker/product-management (0.19.7 => 0.19.12): Loading from cache
docker/sdk cli composer update spryker/product-management --with-dependencies Finished: success: 66, skipped: 0, failure: 0, total: 66 Updating spryker/product-management (0.19.12 => 0.19.17)
And there are no problems for me locally.
But ok, if Stanislav confirms the issue, then it will be fixed.I was just curious. 🙂
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I'm still checking 🙂
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... and I did not want to claim we did everything correct here 😄
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Hello @UM0EZB9GT
Please, share your Propel version.Thanks!
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and postgres
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Just checked on local docker setup
DBMS: PostgreSQL (ver. 9.6.21)and
it works with
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Our setup is:
Postgres is 9.6.20 (from PG_VERSION env) and propel/propel is fixed on "2.0.0-alpha11" (unchanged since project-setup via
https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop.git -b 202009.0)0 -
spryker/propel-orm is at 1.12.0 in this specific project
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Ok, thank you very much @UM0EZB9GT. The problem is found. spryker/product-management is incompatible with spryker/propel-orm:1.12.0 (only with 1.13.0)
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will release the fix soon
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Great, thank you
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Iit works, thank you @UKBTMFXMJ 🙂
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