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Hi, if anyone successfully integrate Marketplace to a Spryker B2B Shop project? Described in

Hi, if anyone successfully integrate Marketplace to a Spryker B2B Shop project? Described in https://docs.spryker.com/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-integration-guides/202204.0/marketplace-merchant-feature-integration.html
After run composer require spryker-feature/marketplace-merchant:"202204.0" --update-with-dependencies I get error like below when try to run any command like propel:install or data:import
PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Orm\Zed\Acl\Persistence\Map\SpyAclGroupArchiveTableMap::initialize() must be compatible with Propel\Runtime\Map\TableMap::initialize(): void in /data/src/Orm/Zed/Acl/Persistence/Map/SpyAclGroupArchiveTableMap.php on line 185
Fatal error: Declaration of Orm\Zed\Acl\Persistence\Map\SpyAclGroupArchiveTableMap::initialize() must be compatible with Propel\Runtime\Map\TableMap::initialize(): void in /data/src/Orm/Zed/Acl/Persistence/Map/SpyAclGroupArchiveTableMap.php on line 185
ErrorException - Exception: FATAL ERROR - Declaration of Orm\Zed\Acl\Persistence\Map\SpyAclGroupArchiveTableMap::initialize() must be compatible with Propel\Runtime\Map\TableMap::initialize(): void
in /data/src/Orm/Zed/Acl/Persistence/Map/SpyAclGroupArchiveTableMap.php (185)
you solved it? you probably upgraded your propel modules like
so now your auto-generated files in src/Orm are not compatible with new interfaces anymore. you could recursively delete the auto-generated files. I deleted all Map and Base directories:find src/Orm -type d -name Map -exec rm -rf {} \; find src/Orm -type d -name Base -exec rm -rf {} \;
and re-create them with
console propel:install -o
This worked for me. I also deleteddata/cache/propel/generated-conf/loadDatabase.php
but not sure if it is necessary.0 -
Hi, yes I made like You say. I found that propel module after upgrade probably is responsible for error. Have You install composer required packages --update-with-dependencies or without this flag? Seems like in this dependencies-upgrade propel is upgraded and then error occurs.
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I ran into this while upgrading spryker at all. I am still working on it but usually never use
.. at least for now. It would update too many modules in our project.0 -
That same me, thanks for response. Regards
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Hi @UNGMX0012, may I have one more question. Have you any issues when install frontend (merchant portal) - many packages missed when run yarn run mp:build, ex: @spryker/actions
@angular/element etc.0 -
hi @U044UNCCTDH weβre not using this feature. I had the propel problems during upgrade process of propel related modules
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Thank You Sebastian
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I guess You are using user roles function in Back Office instead of Merchant Portal to give merchants access?
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