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Hi all, Could you guys guide me "How I can update the Form data in Backend(ZED)?"

Hi all, Could you guys guide me "How I can update the Form data in Backend(ZED)?"
What do you mean by updating the form data?
The data passed in as default to each form is assembled by the related form data provider, that would be the first place to look0 -
I need to update data. But I am unable to understand How could i do this? Please take a look this code.
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I doubt that your school transfer has a
If you added custom code to a transfer, that's not the right place, transfers are auto generated by their XML definitions and should never include custom code, as it would be overwritten next time you regenerate the transfer objects (e.g.: during deployment).The line
looks fine, but probably the line before is your problem, you want to GET the facade instead of SET0 -
It's giving me duplicate entry error.
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So it's a data problem, you already have a school with the same name in your DB.
If you automatically want to update an existing entry you need to add an key field to your form. You could have a look at other update forms that already exist in the spryker core (see https://github.com/spryker/glossary/blob/master/src/Spryker/Zed/Glossary/Communication/Form/UpdateTranslationForm.php andhttps://github.com/spryker/glossary/blob/master/src/Spryker/Zed/Glossary/Business/Translation/TranslationManager.php#L111 for an example)
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Yes, I have and I want to update those.
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