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Hello all, I am extending the DataImport with the following writer. ```/** * @inheritDoc

Hello all,
I am extending the DataImport with the following writer.
/** * @inheritDoc */ public function write(DataSetInterface $dataSet) { $this->setDataSetWriterPersistenceState(false); $spyProductQuery = SpyProductAbstractQuery::create() ->filterBySku($dataSet[static::KEY_ATTRIBUTES]) ->findOneOrCreate(); $spyProductQuery->setAttributes($dataSet[static::KEY_ATTRIBUTES]); $spyProductQuery->setSku($dataSet[static::KEY_SKU]); $spyProductQuery->save(); $spyProductLocalizedAttributesQuery = SpyProductLocalizedAttributesQuery::create() ->filterByfkproduct($spyProductQuery->getIdProductAbstract()) ->findOneOrCreate(); $spyProductLocalizedAttributesQuery->setFkLocale(66); $spyProductLocalizedAttributesQuery->setFkProduct($spyProductQuery->getIdProductAbstract()); $spyProductLocalizedAttributesQuery->setAttributes($dataSet[static::KEY_ATTRIBUTES]); $spyProductLocalizedAttributesQuery->setDescription('placeholder description'); $spyProductLocalizedAttributesQuery->setName($dataSet[static::KEY_ATTRIBUTES]); $spyProductLocalizedAttributesQuery->save(); }
When I run the import, I get the following error. Can someone please advise me what I might be doing wrong? The code up to $spyProductQuery->save();
is running file. Something after this is giving me the following error:
Starting import with /data/data/import/local/full_EU.yml configuration file. Spryker\Zed\DataImport\Business\Exception\DataImportException - Exception: Unable to execute INSERT statement [INSERT INTO `spy_product_localized_attributes` (`id_product_attributes`, `fk_locale`, `fk_product`, `attributes`, `description`, `name`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (:p0, :p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5, :p6, :p7)] DataImport for "aep-import-abstract-product" at data set position "1" has an error. For debugging execute "vendor/bin/console data:import:aep-import-abstract-product -o 1 -l 1 -t"
giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
gibt es die Locale 66 in your spy_locale table?
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@UL65CH0MC Yes there is
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
then please take a look in propel.log..
maybe smth is missing and propel try to do an insert instead an update..0 -
you can turn the propel debug on and then you will see the complete statement. copy and run it directly.
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@UL65CH0MC Can you please tell me where is propel.log located?
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for propel.log you have to enable the propel debug first
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@UK7KBE2JW Is there reference documentation on how to enable it in Spryker?
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Dunno if there is a reference in documentation. Some reference is taking a look into the config from those modules.
$config[PropelConstants::PROPEL_DEBUG] = true; $config[PropelOrmConstants::PROPEL_SHOW_EXTENDED_EXCEPTION] = true;
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