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Hello all, can you please tell me if there is an endpoint (or something else) though which we can se

Hello all, can you please tell me if there is an endpoint (or something else) though which we can see the details of all published products?
A bit more specifically, what exactly do you mean...?
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@U04FXCTCWPP I am trying to publish products through a custom importer but they do not seem to be appearing at the front end. I was wondering if there is a pool where all the published products appear
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checking redis should answer your question whether products have been pub/synced correctly.
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@U048WDEP3R7 Then you should look into Redis and check if your products are there.
http://redis-commander.spryker.local/0 -
@U04FXCTCWPP thanks. this works π
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@UNGMX0012 thanks again. it helped.
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just 2sec faster than @U04FXCTCWPP π
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@UNGMX0012 I was only looking for the link, that took a while. π But doesn't matter who got there first, main thing is that the question is answered. π
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