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what is the most straight forward way to add a custom PHP library that isn't in any composer repo in

what is the most straight forward way to add a custom PHP library that isn't in any composer repo into the codebase?
Straightforward, copy it into your src directory and add the path to the autoloader via composer:
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You can also use a different directory then your src directory, as long as it is in your project.
But why do you want to do that? You could also define a virtual package in composer if the library itself does not have any composer information: https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#repositories (see the smarty example)
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we have an openapi that we generate a library from during build
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..other options to get it available in the codebase are welcome of course π
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There is an option to add local packagies by composer. Maybe the solution might be to put it into some local VCS and in composer then you can simply pass all needed data, so all autoload files etc. will be build like in other cases.
Take a look to composer docs:
or some tutorials:
https://aschmelyun.com/blog/installing-a-local-composer-package-in-your-php-project/0 -
adding local repos get's complicated with docker
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we realize that creating a private repository would probably be the "cleanest" solution but that is also a hassle due to authentication π
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https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/authentication-for-private-packages.md is working fine for github at least, I haven't tried gitlab and was never able to get bitbucket to work
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in our case it's not as straight forward as we can't just create tokens..
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but we will bite that bullet if we need to, I'll try the autoload route
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