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Hi Team Please let me know which layer should be used to consume third-party APIs.

Hi Team
Please let me know which layer should be used to consume third-party APIs.
It depends on what type of 3rd party. It could be Zed or Service, depending on what do you want to do with that API.
0 -
With that API , we want to save Data in Database. and simultaneously publish and synchronize to RabbitMq
Currently, flow going fromPyz/Zed/Module/Communication/Console
Command toBusiness Facade
and then from facade toBusiness Factory
and there depends on parameter, newbusiness model
objects are getting instantiated. In those business models, third party API is consumed and API response is getting saved to Database
Please confirm the flow.0 -
Looks all right to me. I think I would have done a similar flow if not the same π
0 -
ok thanks.π
One more point if I am running code sniffer architecure on my module then I am getting
method in factories must not contain anew
keyword violation. Can you please help me how to resolve the above violation.0 -
Thatβs right. you need to extract in βprivate methodsβ, one βnewβ per method. For example:
# Spryker\Zed\Cms\Business\CmsBusinessFactory:110 public function createGlossaryKeyMappingManager(): GlossaryKeyMappingManagerInterface { return new GlossaryKeyMappingManager( $this->getGlossaryFacade(), $this->getQueryContainer(), $this->createTemplateManager(), $this->createPageManager() ); } [...] // public/private depends on the scope of the function itself, of course public function createTemplateManager(): TemplateManagerInterface { return new TemplateManager( $this->getQueryContainer(), $this->getConfig(), $this->createFinder() ); } [...] # etc
you can see, there is only one
keyword on each factory method π0 -
Please look into that, I found some contradiction here. If I have written only one new statement in factory method then also it is giving error
if I have written following function:public function getBSLSprykerDataWriter()
return new BSLSprykerDataMappingWriter();
then also c:s:a giving following errorFactories: The factory method Pyz\Zed\BSLSprykerDataMapping\Business\BSLSprykerDataMappingBusinessFactory::getBSLSprykerDataWriter() contains 1 new statements which violates rule "A
method in factories must not contain anew
keyword."0 -
Factories have a naming convention. You must use the
prefix if you are usingnew
. You should only use theget
prefix if you are fetching an instance from the container.0 -
In other words change your method to
and everything will be ok π0 -
β’ createFoo(): Foo -> needs anew
β’ getBar(): Bar -> nonew
keyword -> this uses theDependencyProvider
from the Factory0 -
ok got it
Thank you so much @UKEP86J66 and @U015S0C0V29 π0
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