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Quick shout out for anyone starting with docker on mac OSX: I've found that these values are not ne

U01JBB8LNTE Posts: 207 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet
edited January 2021 in Docker

Quick shout out for anyone starting with docker on mac OSX:

I've found that these values are not nearly enough

Set CPUs: to "4" or higher.
Set Memory: to "4.00 GB" or higher.
Set Swap: to "2.00 GB" or higher.

bumped everything up

Set CPUs: to "6" or higher.
Set Memory: to "8.00 GB" or higher.
Set Swap: to "4.00 GB" or higher.

and things are going quite a bit better, although if I jump on a screenshare with zoom or microsoft teams my mac goes into some kind of memory panic mode, it beeps and the screen goes black.

Or just use linux. 🀣


    U01JBB8LNTE Posts: 207 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet
    U01JBB8LNTE Posts: 207 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    it is useful to note that I think some of this may be associated with multiple monitors as I had this happen on another mac... it was supposed to be addressed in Big Sur update

  • I'm running Docker on MacOS with 4 CPUs, 8GB of RAM, and 2GB swap for over 3 years now without any issues.
    I'm not using docker sync or mutagen for file synchronization though. Just the delegated flag on the volume mounts. Perhaps these synchronization tools add to the footprint.
    What helped extremely with speed on MacOS is leveraging the resolvable cache in Spryker. This reduces the file lookups by a great amount.

    U01JBB8LNTE Posts: 207 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    Nice thanks for the input @UK5EG6PBM I'll look into the resolvable cache... delegated flag huh?