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Good morning, We want to setup a project with the PHP 8.0 alpine docker container from Spryker ```im
Good morning,
We want to setup a project with the PHP 8.0 alpine docker container from Spryker
image: tag: spryker/php:8.0-alpine3.13
But we get the following error on frontend:project:install-dependencies
Install Project dependencies [info] npm [info] WARN [info] prepare removing existing node_modules/ before installation [info] core-js@3.4.8 postinstall /data/node_modules/core-js
Does anyone have an idea what we can do to fix this?
The troubleshooting.md doesn't really help in this case.
giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
we use the same image since one month and we don't have any problem regarding frontend installation.... strange...
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Did you double check the frontend dependencies (they might have changed). I also did that update just recenty without running into that issue.
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We removed the most modules from the composer.json and in the Pyz folder are only the modules ShopApplication and ShopUI:
Here the feature list in our composer:
"spryker-eco/loggly": "^0.1.0", "spryker-feature/checkout": "^202108.0", "spryker-feature/company-account": "^202108.0", "spryker-feature/deployment-tools": "^202108.0", "spryker-feature/inventory-management": "202108.0", "spryker-feature/navigation": "^202108.0", "spryker-feature/product": "^202108.0", "spryker-feature/search": "^202108.0", "spryker-feature/shipment": "^202108.0", "spryker-feature/spryker-core": "^202108.0", "spryker-feature/spryker-core-back-office": "^202108.0", "spryker/scheduler-jenkins": "^1.2.1", "symfony/browser-kit": "^5.1.8", "symfony/console": "^5.2.10"
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I don't think there should be a problem with the dependencies...
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I'm talking about package.json
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And we haven't touched the package.json yet
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Yeah... i just wanted to give you the whole picture
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You seem to have a frontend dependency that requires Python and that dependency might have been removed/updated/changed in the current version of the Spryker suite
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We use the current version as basis
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that's odd π€
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that's true
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have you solved this issue and can give some hints?0 -
We solved this issue by explicitly using
and keeping thepackage.json
up-to-date (according to the b2b demo shop).
Otherwise there are some pre-compiled binaries missing which would requirepython
to be installed (which was removed from Alpine in v3.12).0 -
Hi @UKHR9UN00,
that's also our solution.
With the imagespryker/php:8.0-alpine3.12
the installation of the frontend dependencies is running without a problem.0
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