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Hi everyone. I have a question regarding `cart rule discounts`. I created 2 example percentage cart
Hi everyone. I have a question regarding cart rule discounts
I created 2 example percentage cart rule discounts, which are successfully applied to the given cart items.
If I increase the quantity of a cart item, the calculatedDiscounts
will be applied twice, but with quantity 1. Why?
Is there a reason why the quantity number of a calculatedDiscount is not be increased?
Given: 2 products, 2 cart rules -> 4 applied calculated discounts with quantity 1
Expected: 2 products, 2 cart rules -> 2 applied calculated discounts with quantity 2
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Ok, I found it out by myself. It is a different, if the concrete product
or not.
If the product is splittable, the customer can see the product in his cart with quantity 2 and two separate added discounts with quantity 1. But with complete order, Spryker will split them up in two separate order items in zed and each of them will get a discount.
If the product is not splittable, the customer can also see the product in his cart with quantity 2, but with just one added discount with quantity 2. On complete order, you will have 1 order item in zed with quantity 2 and 1 calculated discount for that.0 -
But, and this is the tricky part, Spryker has different discount calculations for both cases.
If splittable, the calculation is priority based and each discount is calculated on the result from the discount before.
If not splittable, each discount is calculated each time on product price.For example:
• Splittable item with priorityIterationCalculation
Example:- product A 100 €
-> 10% discount on 100 € (-10 €) = 90€
-> additional 20% discount on 90€ (-18 €) = 72 €
Non splittable item without priorityIterationCalculation
Example:- product A 100 €
-> 10% discount on 100 € (-10 €) = 90€
-> additional 20% discount on 100€ (-20 €) = 70 €
0 - product A 100 €
Does anybody know, why the
can not be done for splittable items?0 -
Maybe @valerii.trots, @U01J6HSL9NG or @UQK3ZPJEN can bring some 💡 here?
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It's either a bug or there is a reason for it that I'm not aware of. @jeremy.fourna might have an idea if this behavior is intended.
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My expectation would also be that the result is the same.
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How urgent is a fix to the problem for you?
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You can report the problem through the Service Portal https://support.spryker.com/
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@U01J6HSL9NG @UNYPGDYF7 this is indeed a bug, this is a use case our QA seems to have missed during the regression. We will take care of it.
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As I understood it correct, the fix is not so urgent.
But it would be good to understand it or to have the possibility to choose, which calculation we want to have.
We have several ways to work around this, but for now we will start with the existing solution.0 -
@jeremy.fourna do you think, that this is really a bug and also the non splittable version should have the prioritized iteration calculation?
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All all products in the cart behave the same way against discounts, so nonsplittable will behave the same way as splittable products
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Uh ok... I assume that you will take care of it? Where will I see progress on this issue?
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There is no translation for the cart rule description at the moment, right? 😒
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We updated
and that issue here 👆 is already fixed 🙂
Thx @U01J6HSL9NG0
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