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I would like to have a general approach how to update spryker in docker enviroment. And not to dest
Hi Robert,
Let me clarify your setup and what you are trying to achieve.
So, as I understand, you have DB instance inside a container and NOT as a managed service, right?
Are you talking about local development environment or production?0 -
i would like to solve both environments.
And yes my setup is totally build with the docker/sdk.Thanks
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I am asking for more time to evaluate this topic. I need to discuss this with my team first. And I will come back to you soon
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Robert, I forgot to ask.
Are you using PostgreSQL or MySQL?0 -
Hi Robert,
Small update from our side.
At the moment, there is no support for updating DB versions AND keeping the data in docker-sdk.But you can try to use the following guidelines to do that manually:
PostgreSQL:1. docker exec spryker_demo_database_1 pg_dumpall -U root > dump.sql 2. docker/sdk down 3. docker volume rm spryker_demo_database-postgres-data 4. Change version into docker/deployment/default/docker-compose.yml for database 5. docker/sdk run 6. docker cp dump.sql spryker_demo_database_1:/var/lib/postgresql/data 7. docker exec -it spryker_demo_database_1 bash 8. psql -U root < /var/lib/postgresql/data/dump.sql
For MySQL:
1. Change version into docker/deployment/default/docker-compose.yml for database 2. Change config volume:- ./${DEPLOYMENT_PATH}/context/mysql/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/my.cnf:ro 3. docker/sdk run
I hope this helps.
And thank you for your questions. We will consider this functionality to be part of our product.Dmytro
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And of course, when you update your local setup and only project code is involved, then only the required images will be rebuilt (e.g. Yves, Zed)
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