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Morning! Has anyone had an issue with the `spy_oms_state_machine_lock` table going above the default

Morning! Has anyone had an issue with the spy_oms_state_machine_lock
table going above the default auto-increment column range? Over the weekend it seems like we went over the column limit (it is an int4
, so 2147483647
) and caused some major issues π
giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
not yet, but it will be a problem for us too... U can override it in pyz level and overwrite the pk as bigint (take care that bigint is mapped as string back, although u define the mapping).
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Hmm - yeah that will definitely increase the maximum value, but I guess only puts it off for a longer period of time
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
int4 to bigint u have a lot of time, sure! but no other solutions now.... (if u continue to use db as lock, of course u can reset the autoincrement etc...)
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You could reset the auto_increment on this table from time to time, as the entries should only be in there for a short amount of time.
This is one of the flaws of Spryker, where using an auto_increment does not make sense and choosing a different "id" column would have avoided the issue (identifier could be used as well). Another solution would be to use an application generated id instead, like a uuid for example by using https://github.com/donkeycode/propel-uuid-behavior.0 -
Yeah definitely, I agree can't see the need for the auto-increment on this table π
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I think it is a requirement of propel to always have a PK. Agree a UUID would be much better for this type of table
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@UKEP86J66 To have a primary key is a requirement of propel, but it does not need to be an integer nor an auto_increment.
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