Ketchup or Mayo?

Team Mayo
I'll kick this off, Mayo is the greatest, versatile and can be made into so much more than standard mayo.
Even Obi-Wan is a mayo fan "Mayo the force be with you!" - that is all the reasoning I need.1 -
@James Hooper Curry or Sriracha! 😈
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Team Mayo
Sriracha Mayo!!!!
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Team Mayo
Does anybody know "Joppiesaus"? 🤩 Can't get enough of that.
If I would need to decide: Mayo over Ketchup in the majority of events.2 -
of course, it's Dutch 🇳🇱! 😄
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Team Mayo
Funny you say this, I do! There is a lot of hole in wall Chip shops in Amsterdam and I swear they had like 30 different types of mayo you could choose from, That was one of them I am sure! …. Actually, I found it it is here
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Team Mayo
Team Sriracha Mayo for life!
Separate question - Mayo with our without mustard?
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Team Mayo
Mayo in all forms all the time + mixed with ketchup (mayochup) also for the win! But mayo is clear elite IMO 😂
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Team Mayo
I often mix mayo with mustard on sandwiches and love it! And with pickles 🤤
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@harikrishnan.potty during the holidays we had Mayo with mustard and it was delicious!
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