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Is build process always using `docker` environment and hence `config_default-docker.php` or can it
example from build logs:
#22 name: "[application-production-codebase 8/9] RUN vendor/bin/install -r docker -s build -s build-production -vvv"
we haveenvironment: production
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@ULYHPR789 is unfortunately not available
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let me take some guesses here π
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install -r docker
means that it is installing the system following the recipe inconfig/install/docker.yml
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letβs see where we get that from
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can we change it to use another recipe or is it fixed?
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it is coming from SPRYKER_PIPELINE
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looking into the Dockerfiles in
i see that it usesinstall -r ${SPRYKER_PIPELINE}
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currently trying to find it
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(slack has network issues, some messages might be delayed at the moment)
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ok, looks like
defaults todocker
when not set so setting it to some value should do the trick0 -
so, you know where to pick up from here? π
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delegate π
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But yeah, i think i know how to proceed, thanks for pointing it out.
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environment: docker
This maps value to APPLICATION_ENV env variable
pipeline: docker2
Will use
instruction file.0 -
so basically i am missing:
pipeline: environment
inside the
?0 -
If you want to use
then yes. Just add it in deploy.yml root0 -
Any docs about that? π
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