What is the easiest way to remove the entire product demo data from spryker b2b demoshop?

What is the easiest way to remove the entire product demo data from spryker b2b demoshop?
you have the importer plugins defined.You could comment out the ones you don't want to use.
Then there is Zed/Installer/InstallerDependencyprovider.php where you have plugins that run after data has been imported. Please feel free to comment out the ones referring to data you're not importing.
This could be one solution.
Let's see if someone else has a quickest way to do it!1 -
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey @chandan.k ,
if you mean by "remove" to clean up the demo-shop-setup then I have the following suggestion for you:
- Use the content of the following example for your full_EU and/or full_US import config:
- Add b2b demo-data to be able to login with test-user sonia:
#6. B2B Setup import - data_entity: company source : data/import/common/common/company.csv - data_entity: company-business-unit source : data/import/common/common/company_business_unit.csv - data_entity: company-unit-address source : data/import/common/common/company_unit_address.csv - data_entity: company-unit-address-label source : data/import/common/common/company_unit_address_label.csv - data_entity: company-unit-address-label-relation source : data/import/common/common/company_unit_address_label_relation.csv - data_entity: company-user source: data/import/common/common/company_user.csv - data_entity: company-business-unit-user source: data/import/common/common/company_business_unit_user.csv - data_entity: company-business-unit-address source: data/import/common/common/company_business_unit_address.csv - data_entity: company-role source : data/import/common/common/company_role.csv - data_entity: company-role-permission source : data/import/common/common/company_role_permission.csv - data_entity: company-user-role source : data/import/common/common/company_user_role.csv - data_entity: company-user-on-behalf source: data/import/common/common/company_user_on_behalf.csv
3. Remove the Plugins here (because they fail without the product-label import)
4. Clean your data with
docker/sdk clean-data
5. Execute
docker/sdk up --build --assets --data
Please let us know if any of our suggestions helps you to solve the problem :)
All the best,
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