Spryker Excite 23: Take a photo and dive into the CommerceQuest!

This mission will be activated on the 13th of September!
This is mission control with an important message! 🫡
During our field expedition at Spryker's Excite 23, each community member shall secure proof of their attendance (People from Earth would say: take a picture of yourself).
Later into the event day, you will encounter an area next to the refuel station (aka bar) to create a CommerceQuest Memory. 🤳🏻📸
To sum it up: take a picture and post it into this thread as a comment below!
Everyone gets a special badge for sharing a picture.
PLUS: We will award the best submission in this thread with something special 😉
Warm up your smile and take a nice shot!
If you have not signed up yet, head over to
and contact your peers at Spryker for a potential discount code.Comments
Let's rock, folks! 🎸🤘🏻
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Ready to goooooooo!
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No Spaghetti code!
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hahaha, Great idea! :D
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No beer before 4 :)
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Hackathon teams going on strong: last minute stress before the presentations!
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Found the Airstream!
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Mainstage rehearsals: done! ✅
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Oskar says Hi 😜
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Denis - getting this Party started ;)
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