TV Series or Movie?
Which kind of person are you, one to sit down and binge on a good TV Series or is your soul more tuned in to Movies!
Drop your favourite movie / tv show in the comments!
TV Series or Movie? 9 votes
Totally TV1
what about someone who likes both? 😌
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Totally TV
Pick a side @ekrem ! :D
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Totally TV
I thought about adding that as an option, but, then I thought what if you had to choose, one or the other 😜
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Binge watch a whole season of a serie is my vibe
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Mad about Movies
Although there are a lot of series I loced to bingewatch, recently I find I often lose track and concentration while watching, so I prefer movies at the moment that finish off in themselves. 😅
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Totally TV
I know exactly what you mean! What movies have you watched recently?
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Totally TV
@LilyAcrossDimensions , Star Wars series of course 😜
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