Which is your favourite season?
We have come into a new season this month and before we know it winter will be knocking at our door, but, which is your favourite season?
Which is your favourite season? 13 votes
I love all Seasons
I love all the seasons as I come from a country with very distinct four seasons. I am always asking, how do people, who live in places with 2 seasons, even think about time and remember events:))
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Toss up between summer and autumn but I have to go with autumn, or "fall" where I'm from. I love the crisp weather, the leaving changing, cozy evenings, and the anticipation in the air of upcoming holidays that I celebrate (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) 😍
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haha, I can relate to this so much! Where I am in England it gets cold and hot, but that is mainly the only changes 🤣 Can't remember last time I saw snow
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Autumn - Purely for the Pumpkin Spiced Coffee ☕️🎃
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Summer!! I want to bake under the heat of the sun🦎
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