Is there any third party OMS available for Spryker with connector module?

I want to integrate my spryker B2B with Third party OMS like PeopleSoft OMS by Oracle , is there any integrated module for spryker for integrate with spryker , like Adyen payment method module we have to integrate with adyen , is there any module available for OMS.
Best Answer
Thank you for your question. Do you want to integrate another OMS or replace the Spryker OMS?
Do you perhaps mean the Oracle Management Server? Because PeopleSoft is actually a Human Resource Management System.
Thank you for your question. Do you want to integrate another OMS or replace the Spryker OMS?
Do you perhaps mean the Oracle Management Server? Because PeopleSoft is actually a Human Resource Management System.
0 -
I want to integrate Another OMS not Replace .
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