Community Tip: How to get the answers you're looking for

Hey hey, it's Lauren, Community Crew Member here π« We're all on CommerceQuest for a lot of reasons - meeting new people, checking out events, getting updates, talking about which emojis we are, blah blah blah - but let's face it, a lot of you are here to get ANSWERS!
There's a lot of ways to get answers to your questions, and I'm going to break it down right here.
- Visit
- Use search & filters
- Filter by category
- Just ask your burning question by creating a post :)
- Utilize other community members for support
- Join an upcoming community event
- Refer to the curated quick links in the main header
- Check out
- If anything is still unclear, share your feedback.
Slack Archives
We've imported our Community Slack discussions from the past 5 years up until May 2023, and that history is now fully searchable. Visit
here.Search it
As discussed the other week, you should use the search function and all of its filters to your advantage. It can be helpful to run a quick search first to see if your question has already been answered. This helps avoid duplicate topics and keeps the community organized.
Check out our dedicated categories
If you have a specific interest or topic in mind, check out an overview of all our categories. The categories are arranged so that you can find more tailored content in those spaces.
Just Ask!
If you have a question, don't hesitate to askβ¦that's exactly what this community is for π Here's a quick guide to making your first post in case you don't know where to start.
Utilize our community members
This is a peer-based community, meaning that other community members are here to help answer eachother's questions, along with Sprykees too. Feel free to "@" someone to tag them, if you think they might have an answer or if you know they're an expert on a certain topic. We recommend posting your question publicly instead of DM'ing though - if you have a question, chances are someone else has the same one too!
Join our Community Events
Have a question? Join an event and ask it in one of our "Ask Me Anything" sessions (just keep in mind these events are theme-based), or attend a User Group meeting! We're always looking for topics so if you have a question or want to learn more about something at Spryker, just let us know and we can try to work it into a future agenda.
Header - Quick Links
To quickly get where you need to go, check out our main header. It will take you quickly to our most popular discussions, categories, and our events tab. You can also visit the "Resources" tab for supplemental Spryker pages that can help you find the answers you're looking for.
Additional Resources
, we've pulled together some additional spaces off CommerceQuest that can help put you in touch with a specialist or offer additional support to suit your needs.Share your feedback
If something is confusing or you're having trouble finding the answers you need, you can share it in our
section, and hopefully we can make some further improvements with your insights.Our community is here to help, and we're stronger when we work together. Cheers to finding answers to your questions! πͺ
I would add, use the force, use the source ;)
Almost any technical answer can be found by reading or debugging the source code.
This has, while it might be slower than asking here, a hughe benefit. You will learn a lot of details of Spryker along the way and will be faster in the future finding your answers.
There is also a great opportunity to answer questions here, you will, even if you don't know the answer from your head, build up the knowledge by going through the code and finding the answer, which again will increase your knowledge in areas you are not yet familiar with.6 -
@Alberto Reyer yes - GREAT addition! π
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You had me at "use the force" :D
- All Categories
- 42 Getting Started & Guidelines
- 7 Getting Started in the Community
- 8 Additional Resources
- 7 Community Ideas and Feedback
- 80 Spryker News
- 954 Developer Corner
- 810 Spryker Development
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