Idea: CMS page route generation

Problem Statement:
Currently if you want to link to a CMS page it is necessary to hard-code the link. An example might be the terms and conditions page. This is undesirable as it means that any update to the URL in the Back Office will result in dead-links in an unknown number of places.
Idea (not my own idea):
It should be possible to link to a CMS page either:
- Integrate into the Symfony router: Add a URL generator which will generate URLs from page names, enabling f.e. {{ path('my_cms_page') }}
- A custom twig function to generate CMS links
This could be done either by creating a custom module or create a PR together towards Spryker Core.
Anyone would be in to work on this async. together as community project in the next weeks/months? Any other thoughts, comments on this idea?
I think we had to solve this 'problem' in every project 😅
I have a tangentially related annoyance with urls (more structural, and probably not so easy to apply, so maybe idea for the core team) not sure if I should split into a separate idea, but I'll leave the gist of it here:
We are storing urls in storage with the final url (including locale prefix) as key, I believe we should "standarise" in storing all urls with the same key, so we could retrieve/generate them more swiftly (like symfony controller urls, that will thake the path without any language prefix).0
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