Dynatrace integration

In the release notes it says that Dynatrace integration is available to Spryker cloud customers, and that:
- You need a self-managed Dynatrace account, and you have to provide the necessary Endpoints to Spryker.
We have a Dynatrace account, but exactly who and where do we send the endpoint information?
The support portal has no category for this.
Hello Mikko and apologies for this very late reply.
I take the advantage of this question to let you know we are working on fundamental changes of our existing Dynatrace integration which not only would allow to connect to Dynatrace, but if opens up the door to connecting to most of the existing APM platforms.
Yes, what will you need to setup an integration to the 3rd party platform of your choice? Just an endpoint to be forwarded to our Support team.
However, please bear with us, due to the nature of the changes we strongly advice to wait till this new integration will be in place. The actual solution is going to be deprecated in favour of this new and way more flexible way of connecting with Spryker Cloud.
Are you coming to Excite? Let's have a sync on the new solution which will be soon available to partners and customers!
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