HackWEEK 2024 - Here are the winners ๐

Our first ever Spryker HackWEEK is over and I am happy to have the honor to announce the two winning projects ๐คฉ
DUO-TEAM @vasily.rodin & @evgeny:
Together they created a Platform Contribution to enhance console commands for debugging purposes.
For this Hackathon they enhanced the console commands queue:worker:start
& queue:task:start
by introducing the -vvv
verbose option to display the queue message content in the terminal.
Example output:
Impact: Can save debugging time for developers when working on queues
Jury Feedback:
- Tiny but mighty feature for developers to debug our queue processing code, which is quite complex
- Fully ready to merge solution
Check out the Pull Request by yourself โ> https://github.com/spryker/queue/pull/5
SOLO-TEAM @victor.vanherpt:
Victor introduced a notification section in the order detail page, where shop managers are informed about an active transition failure.
It's yet to be decided if it can be a Platform Contribution or if it belongs as separate module to the Innovation Lab.
Example from the Back Office:
Impact: Contributes to smooth business operations (order processing)
Jury Feedback:
- This addresses a valid business-need to understand when OMS crashes due to an error in the code
- UI is available and built in
Check out the code by yourself โ> https://github.com/victor-ufg/spryker-b2b-demo-oms-transition-errors
We thank you soo much for participating in our pilot HackWEEK โจ
All the best,
PS.: You dont know what Spryker HackWEEK is all about? Have a look here:
Wow, well done guys!
I love both contributions, but being an OMS-person, my heart melts seeing the second solution, and I will try to use it ASAP!
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