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Hi, I'm trying to setup a local docker based environment on win10 and WSL. I'm getting an error whil

I'm trying to setup a local docker based environment on win10 and WSL. I'm getting an error while doingย docker/sdk bootstrap deploy.dev.yml
[...] => => naming to [docker.io/library/spryker_docker_sdk](http://docker.io/library/spryker_docker_sdk) 0.0s PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException: File "/data/deployment/project.yml" does not exist. in /data/vendor/symfony/yaml/Parser.php:53 Stack trace: #0 /data/index.php(20): Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser->parseFile('/data/deploymen...') #1 {main} thrown in /data/vendor/symfony/yaml/Parser.php on line 53
Any ideas what would be the reason?
If i remember correcty, the unison/ocaml is a little bit out of date for newest docker.
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To be more specific, this thread:
https://sprykercommunity.slack.com/archives/CMYFJCG2E/p15858350960646000 -
I have a working WSL-Installation with Ubuntu 20.04 and the described Ocaml/Unison versions
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I would recommend to update Win10 to v2004, enable WSL2 and use docker there.
In this case you can use docker/sdk without ocaml\unison\docker-sync.0 -
do you have tested this?
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I couldn't install docker with docker-sync\ocaml\unison in previous version of win10 and wsl.message Unison 2.51.2 (ocaml 4.06.0): Contacting server... Connected [//DESKTOP-8OG87P1//c/spryker/b2c-demo-shop -> //f896c0927970//app_sync] Looking for changes Waiting for changes from server Fatal error: Fatal error during unmarshaling (input_value: ill-formed message), possibly because client and server have been compiled with differentversions of the OCaml compiler.
Just followed https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/wsl/.
And then installed everything in wsl2 as in linux (except installing docker): justย git cloneย repositories,ย docker/sdk bootstrap deploy.dev.yml,ย docker/sdk up. The last step still was to add hosts in Windows.0 -
PHPStorm and VSCode can then connect remotely to the wsl2.
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that sound cool ๐
my problem is, my company is currently blocking 2004, but with 1909 i am working pretty fine here..0 -
The experience can vary unfortunately.
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Unfortunately I cannot install wsl2. Our corporate PC are not updated yet.
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Then if you are not able to fix the problem or no one will suggest anything, I would recommend to switch to our vagrant-based devvm.
That was the only option for me when I had issues with docker-sync mentioned above.
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I was able to pass the issue above but I got another one.
I'm executingdocker/sdk up
and the process progresses until following pops up:chmod: cannot access '/data/config/Zed/*.key': No such file or directory Composer could not find a composer.json file in /data To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the <https://getcomposer.org/> "Getting Started" section
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do you have a b2c, b2b or the suite checked out?
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@U015HHFCU1M What version of docker/sdk do you use?
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I have a b2b.
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docker/sdk is cloned from 1.14.3 tag
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Ok. Letโs try to rise it up.
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- Letโs upgrade docker/sdk to 1.15.0. It has some features that would helps us.
- docker/sdk boot deploy.dev.yml
- docker/sdk up
When the error persist:docker/sdk sync logs
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And, also, please, list the console output here via attached file. Thanks.
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By the way, how have you solved
"/data/deployment/project.yml" does not exist
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