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Hi, I've got a problem with the Docker Installation Prerequisites on Windows.
I've got a problem with the Docker Installation Prerequisites on Windows.
The point "Install Unison" does not work completely for me.
Here are my questions:
I have no idea what unison and OCaml are used for. Can someone explain what it is needed for ?
I can't complete the Unison installation.
The last command, named:
"shell make UISTYLE=text sudo cp src/unison /usr/local/bin/unison sudo cp src/unison-fsmonitor /usr/local/bin/unison-fsmonitor"
Does not work completely for me.
I tried only "sudo make UISTYLE=text" this worked.
But the part
"sudo cp src/unison /usr/local/bin/unison sudo cp src/unison-fsmonitor /usr/local/bin/unison-fsmonitor"
does not work
it says:
make: *** No rule to make target 'sudo'. Stop.
How to get this completed ?
I have no idea what unison and OCaml are used for. Can someone explain what it is needed for ?
These are dependencies for
.Basically our guide just refers to original one from the author of
- https://docker-sync.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting-started/installation.html#windows.0 -
Ok, this answers my first question. Thx. Do you also have an idea when it comes to my second question ?
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I just checked and seems that there is formatting corrupted in this version of the documentation you are reffering to.
Here is the correct one - https://documentation.spryker.com/v3/docs/docker-install-prerequisites-windows-2019070 -
But it doesn't mean that you will succeed in installing docker for windows correctly in the end. Personally I wasn't able to run docker as there are some errors due to
something.0 -
For me the only option is to use Vagrant in Windows at the moment.
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So this means that spryker in docker running windows as os is not officially provided ?
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This means that for some it works ok. But for some, as for me, for example, it doesn't work. Spryker has nothing to do with this unfortunately.
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Ok, thank you very much !
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At the same time the team responsible for docker solution is working on the alternatives to
. So hopefully soon it will be working for all in Windows as well.0 -
Sounds well
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Another question/problem:
What went wrong if I get "cp: cannot stat 'src/unison': No such file or directory"
in the point "d. Compile and install Unison:"
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Wrong path? You are not in the correct directory or something? IDK.
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I'm in
if I see the point c. Change the directory:
cd unison-2.51.2
this should be the right one I guess
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Then everything should work flawlessly. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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If installation of proper version on host is the problem,
you can use custom docker-sync image with exact version you have on the host:docker build --build-arg "OCAML_VERSION=4.06.0" --build-arg "UNISON_VERSION=2.51.2" -t custom-docker-image-unison .
and deploy.yml file
... docker: ... mount: docker-sync: ... image: custom-docker-image-unison
However you would need to build image everytime after you prune docker images. Or you can just push it in dockerhub and use public tag.
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@US04LPPLG Would you be able to put this in the instruction? Thanks forehand.
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