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Hello! In case you missed it, we added new features to the Spryker PhpStorm plugin "PYZ". Apart from

In case you missed it, we added new features to the Spryker PhpStorm plugin "PYZ". Apart from extending Spryker core classes with one click and navigation from zed stubs to gateway controllers (and vice versa) you can now:
β’ Right click and view on GitHub: the plugin will try to parse your composer.lock file and open the currently installed version of a spryker core file in the browser. Great for going back in history or checking for updates.
β’ Navigate in state machine XML: you can ctrl-click command and condition names (e.g. "command=Oms/SendOrderConfirmation") to get to the plugin registration in DependencyProviders, DependencyInjectors or StateMachineHandlerPlugins. You can also click the name of an included subprocess to open its file (e.g. "file=DummySubprocess/DummyRefund01.xml").
You can download it in the marketplace inside PhpStorm or here: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/18215-pyz
If you encounter any problems reach out! Feel free to contact us or create an issue on GitHub (https://github.com/turbine-kreuzberg/spryker-idea-plugin). Or even better: contribute and create a pull request.
Thanks for your work on this, itβs a great plugin!
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Mega plugin! Iβve already used a few time the Extend Pyz functionality, and it works like charm! I will definitely try these new features next weekππΌ
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