Error when I try to run the B2C 202108.0-p2 release freshly cloned from GitHub
Posts: 3 🧑🏻🚀 - Cadet
Hi all,
when I tried to run the B2C 202108.0-p2 release freshly cloned from GitHub with the Docker SDK I encountered this error:
Store: DE | Environment: Migrate database Executing migration PropelMigration_1660826450 up 275 of 275 SQL statements executed successfully on datasource "zed" Migration complete. No further migration to execute. Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException - Exception: Database map was not initialized. Please check the database loader script included by your conf. Visit <> for information on how to fix this.
The 202108.0 release works just fine. Does anyone happen to know that may cause this issue with the vanilla B2C store?
Did you prune images and volumes you already have from previous installations?
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Volumes and Containers yes, for the Images I would say yes but I am not completely sure
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docker system prune -a && docker system prune --volumes && docker/sdk boot && docker/sdk up
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I will try this
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