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Hello, i noticed that there is a new version of the module “category” i tried to update. It is 5.0 b
i noticed that there is a new version of the module “category” i tried to update. It is 5.0 but the category-gui module depends as before on >4.0 <5.0. Is the category-gui just not adjusted yet or is it not planned to support category-gui “as it is” in future anymore? Or is it still under construction right now?
Best regards
I may be wrong but AFAIK there is a feature
categories per store
that is planned to be delivered in stages.
Category:5.0.0 is a stage 1 so to say.0 -
@jeremy.fourna do you have anything to add\correct me?
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So at the moment its in some kind of intermediate state that its normally not “worth” to update yet since other important modules like the category-gui depends on it?
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Yes, I believe I'm right and category-gui module will be updated in the second part of the feature.
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So at the moment its in some kind of intermediate state that its normally not “worth” to update yet since other important modules like the category-gui depends on it?
Is it technically possible to update to category:5.0.0 if category-gui requires v4?
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No its not, composer does not allow me
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U have to wait about a Migration Guide that is on running.. (i hope this week will be released) and when everything is release.. included category-gui with category 5 dependency..
At the moment, as i see, it is not possible to require category:5 if u have category-gui:1.X
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So to be clear Category v5 allows categories per store but breaks the category gui module. The only ways to work with this feature is via data importer. We are planning to release a new version of the category gui that will support category v5 module. I will keep you informed when the release happen.
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Thank you all for the infos 🙂 I guess, the other differences are also related to this feature, right?
spryker/category 4.21.0 5.0.0
spryker/category-data-import 0.2.2 0.3.0
spryker/category-page-search 1.7.0 2.0.0
spryker/category-storage 1.11.0 2.0.0
spryker/merchant-data-import 0.3.1 0.4.0
spryker/merchant-relationship-data-import 0.1.8 0.2.0
spryker/product-category-filter-gui 1.3.0 2.0.0
spryker/product-category-storage 1.9.0 2.0.0The reason why i ask is, that we have a regular task to stay up to date with spryker, which is hard to tell in this situation. New packages which that cannot be applied. At the top we are step-by-step resolving the feature packages which also sometimes limit the update to the “newest version” …
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I think, the tricky part is, that we also still use the feature packages instead of single module which have mostly hard version ranges and block these updates. The plan was to resolve this packages step-by-step since its very high effort to do this at once (at least manually), for example if there are updates for category module we want to resolve the category feature to the single module … but seems this will not work since the category is almost involved everywhere … however, this gets complex very fast^^
So any suggestions here? Some kind of “meta package resolver” would be nice … so put in a complete list of all the features you use (feature/catalog, feature/product …) and the output will be a a “composer require” command with all distinct module packages … is there any composer command or software out there?0 -
You have Spryker Jarvis for that, do you use only Spryker feature or Spryker modules?
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I advise you to not migrate those modules until our part 2 is released.
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You have Spryker Jarvis for that, do you use only Spryker feature or Spryker modules?
At the moment it is a mix. we used the set that was provided with the 2020.9 b2b demo suite which consist almost of features, but as mentioned, we also replaced some of the features by single module since there were also some major releases for some of the modules
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👆as said u have to wait, it is better.. Spryker Jarvis is very helpful tool, i use it!
It does not matter if u have feature packages or only modules packages in composer.. about me there is a inconsistency about deps and i don't understand how it will works here -> https://api.release.spryker.com/release-group/3259 if category-gui still requires v.4.
We wait for Part 2 and then will be probably everything fine.
About Features Packages, jaaa... they are a little bit "conservative" but u have always the possibility to require the dev-master branch that in most of case contains the major updates and it will be the product release feature version in the future.
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about me there is a inconsistency about deps and i don’t understand how it will works here -> https://api.release.spryker.com/release-group/3259 if category-gui still requires v.4.
The config as shown on the release-group page is indeed incosistent for me too. But i don’t know if this representation is intended to show the dependencies between the packages or if it is just a “view” of the current state … but yes … the composer require command at the bottom is contradictory …
composer require … spryker/category:“^5.0.0" … spryker/category-gui:“^1.0.3”
will not work …
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of course does not work... The release Group is in part wrong!
Only one possiblity: remove category-gui and then update the rest. (at the moment). But as suggested wait and skip this update.. (i am waiting too and our project is weekly updated and always up to date with all updates, but in this case i am still waiting why Spryker have to release also the Migration Guide).
@jeremy.fourna I don't understand why Spryker release some updates without Migration Guide Documentation (is still in Progress @U0140NZMDTN as i know) and why the release group just pass the check and the installation. I know reversed: Release the Migration Guide and then release everything... It happens still the same: Update update update... major updates... major updates.... and only after too many request will be the Migration Guide released... (... and Bug Tickets still there since months ... @tom.lehner make the possible but with few or none service developers is the process very slow! Just a question: how important was now to release Category V5 with all dependencies updated to major version and not resolve some Blocker/Urgent support tickets!??? This I don't understand! )
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I mean, technically theres nothing wrong. A new product releases (5.0 of category) which is not compatible with the latest “category-gui” module. Two possibilities at the moment. Dont use category-gui anymore and have the newest category module. The other: Do not use newest category module. But yes i know, not using the category-gui makes spryker not really usable anymore and will end up in high effort … i mean, nobody would suggest to remove the category-gui module … in the end i see this more as one of the disadvantages of releasing each module separately. For me it is okay, i just need some kind of “marker” when the time is come to update a specific part of the ecosystem.
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But isn’t the notation not about a “range” of possible versions? So at the moment this is a not sastisfiable config since there are no compatible concrete versions available but couldn’t it at least technically be possbible that a new 1.0.4 version of category gui requires the 5.0? Then this composer file is valid in my eyes … or do i miss something?
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yes u are right.. but the current snaphsot of version does not allow this require/installation.. the feature/category-management latest dev version is now not installable and for me is wrong, due inconsistent deps...
The problem is not what is wrong or not... etc...
The problem is: how Spryker achieved this to install on test or locally (dev self) ? It is not possible..!!!
--> Now is me clear --> https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite/blob/master/composer.json (they have no category-gui in Suite but defined as dep)0 -
yes u are right.. but the current snaphsot of version does not allow this require/installation.. the feature/category-management latest dev version is now not installable and for me is wrong, due inconsistent deps...
The problem is not what is wrong or not... etc...
The problem is: how Spryker achieved this to install on test or locally (dev self) ? It is not possible..!!!
--> Now is me clear --> https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite/blob/master/composer.json (they have no category-gui in Suite but defined as dep in release group and feature packages)0 -
Cool Release Commit -> https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite/commit/72d75e5e31ba32b93fab5c9ae9080f32d8980d8e#diff-d2ab9925cad7eac58e0ff4cc[…]cf49e4b6bf57f8b95aab76648a9d34
Category-Gui deleted to allow the rest!! Spryker please.. please don't play with us, just to release new features according Investition Plan etc... 😄
License cost is not very cheap!0 -
MG is approved so seems like I can share it now as it's still not published yet.
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@valerii.trots danke!
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The MG is only for Suite and not for B2C or B2B with feature packages..
Can be also updated according the other products? Thanks in advance.0 -
AFAIK we don't have MGs for features. At all.
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Only IGs.
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Nope.. i have also received more than one taking care on b2x products.. for example SecurityGui etc..
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