I'm facing this error while accessing URL or endpoints docker/sdk
Hello everyone I'm facing this error while accessing URL or endpoints docker/sdk is up, if somebody knows how to fix it please let me know
did you added this URLβs to your /etc/hosts?
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Can you enable ssh in your deploy file then up your env again
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follow 9 step for update host filehttps://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/setup/installing-spryker-with-docker/installation-guides/installing-in-demo-mode-on-windows.html#inst[β¦]ndows
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How to enable ssh?
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At the end of your deploy.dev.yml
search for ssh
You will find enabled:false
Change it to true0 -
ok Thank you
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It shows no result
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Screenshot the last lines in this file
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Iβm so sorry i mean ssl
Change it to true0 -
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Enable ssl but still not able to access URL or Endpoints please help me
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what command did you run after enabling SSL?
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docker/sdk up
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Any change you did on deploy file you must boot it again
docker/sdk boot deploy.dev.yml && docker/sdk up
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run docker/sdk reset firstly then the command above
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I'm try docker/sdk reset but it's still shows above error
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spy down && docker system prune -a && docker system prune --volumes && rm -rf vendor/ src/Generated && spy boot deploy.dev.yml && spy up
REPLACE spy -> docker/sdk0 -
read the message again
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command not found so i need to install it?
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REPLACE spy with docker/sdk
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This a connection issue not related to env of spryker
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ok Thank you
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you can try without firewall setting.
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