Does anyone know how I might achieve something like this using Propel?
Afternoon all! Does anyone know how I might achieve something like this using Propel?
SELECT * FROM spy_sales_order sso LEFT JOIN spy_customer sc ON LOWER( WHERE sc.customer_reference != sso.customer_reference AND is not null;
Specifically the LOWER()
in the ON
new SpySalesOrderQuery()) ->addJoin('', '', Criteria::LEFT_JOIN) ->where('spy_customer.customer_reference != spy_sales_order.customer_reference') ->where(' is not null')
Doesn't appear to allow you to do anything like that 🤔
You could use the function
to add your condition
something likenew SpySalesOrderQuery()) ->addJoin('', '', Criteria::LEFT_JOIN) ->setJoinCondition('', 'LOWER( = LOWER(') ->where('spy_customer.customer_reference != spy_sales_order.customer_reference') ->where(' is not null')
0 -
Thanks for the reply 🙂 Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be working.
method calls a method to add the join to an in memory array of "joins", indexed by a string name. But it doesn't pass the name as a parameter (which defaults to null).Then
attempts to do a lookup in that array by name, which then fails. I might look to see though if that can be patched 👍0 -
Unfortunately, I can't call
either to add it initially (it seems), as there is no foreign key relation between the customer table in the orders table0
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