Order Confirmation Mail Notification

Hi All,
I'm facing an issue related to order mails. I'm receiving
account related mails, like customer registration and forgot password.
But, I'm unable to receive any mails for order processing, not even for
order creation. Can anyone help me out?
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
this can have several reasons. Have you already checked the states of the order-items in your order from the Back Office? Is the scheduler running?
All the best,
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How to manage or check these reasons?
Can you please refer any documentation or video link reference to setup such process to send order confirmation mail?
I got to know there is a class "Spryker\Zed\Oms\Communication\Plugin\Oms\Command\SendOrderConfirmationPlugin" responsible to send emails defined in "Pyz\Zed\Oms\OmsDependencyProvider" class.
But, if you can share any reference using which I can put conditions or setup OMS workflow to send this email, it will be very helpful.0 -
I've managed to fix that. I was missing the event entry on OMS to run SendConfirmationEmail.
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Hi @manish.gangola , what steps you performed for getting order email, I am also not getting order confirmation email after placing the orders ?
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