search results with combination of conditions
Hello Team
Please let me know if anyone have idea about this elasticsearch query. I have to search a result with these condition:
1)filter:- attribute1="value1" AND attribute2="value2"
2)should:- attribute1="value1" AND attribute3="value3"
result sohuld be union of both. I tried to add same condition but the conditions in should are ignored. I also added "minimum_should_match":1 , but again same
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,056 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
how should your target query look like in json? Have you tried to build it by hand (in json) and send it to elastic search via postman first?
Do I understand correct, that you want:
(attribute1="value1" AND attribute2="value2") OR (attribute1="value1" AND attribute3="value3")
All the best,
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