How to Implement the steps to complete the certification for spryker B2C?
Hello Team,
I am working on spryker B2C project and completed the changes.
Now I need to go with steps to complete the certification for spryker B2C.
Could anyone help me with the process? and how to accomplish this?
Jitesh Sinha
Best Answer
Hey @jsinha ,
Hope you are good!
I have moved this question into the academy category :)
Quick question for you, are you asking about the developer certification?
Many Thanks
Hello Team!!
I am working for Annex Cloud and I want the steps and process to get certification from Spryker as program partner.
So, could anyone help for the same that would be very helpful for me.
Jitesh Sinha0 -
Hey @jsinha ,
Hope you are good!
I have moved this question into the academy category :)
Quick question for you, are you asking about the developer certification?
Many Thanks
James0 -
Hi @James Hooper !
Thanks for your reply.
No, I am asking about the Partner Certification.
As I am working for Annex Cloud Loyalty Program and Integration.
So, I need the Partner Program Certification for the same.
I need the details about the procedures as well as steps and process; How to accomplish?
Jitesh Sinha0
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