How to get the order and order item detail using orderIdReference in OMS system?
Hello @team
Thank you for doing great and amazing things….!!
I am stuck on OMS system on partial return i.e. if I have 2 items in one order and customer only return one item then it will be consider as partial return and the same with shipment and cancellation, for the same; how could I get the order and item detail if I have only orderIdReference from OMS command plugin.
Please help me ….
Thanks & Regards,
Jitesh Sinha @jsinha
Best Answer
You can take a look at some core examples where salesFacade is used to get the OrderTransfer:
You can see the logic in the business folder: OrderStatusChangedMessageSender
Verify also your state machine as you can have an event for the cancel state and there you would receive the order and the specific OrderItem
You can take a look at some core examples where salesFacade is used to get the OrderTransfer:
You can see the logic in the business folder: OrderStatusChangedMessageSender
Verify also your state machine as you can have an event for the cancel state and there you would receive the order and the specific OrderItem
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