Spryke Commerce Framework DI Magic

Denis Turkov
Denis Turkov VP Architecture Sprykee Posts: 42 🏛 - Council (mod)

After many requests to add more magic to Spryker framework, our architects found a graceful way to enable magic DI. The new approach enables you to get a business models skipping Factory and Dependency provider functions!

We currently consider 3x DI (dependency injection) containers, popular in PHP community:

  • PHP-DI (php-di/php-di)
  • Symfony DI (symfony/dependency-injection)
  • Laravel Container (illuminate/container)

Below you can find a comparison of these three.

Before we make the decision, by tradition we want to get your opinion on it!

Spryke Commerce Framework DI Magic 0 votes

I'm fine without magic! 🧘
Give me magic, I prefer PHP-DI!
Give me magic, I prefer Symfony DI!
Give me magic, I prefer Laravel Container!
Give me any magic! 🤩