Is there an easier and especially faster way than `docker/sdk clean && docker/sdk up`?
Posts: 13 🧑🏻🚀 - Cadet
Is there an easier and especially faster way than docker/sdk clean && docker/sdk up
to completely empty the storage and initiate a new import of the demo data?
By "storage" do you mean DB?
If yes -docker/sdk demo
.0 -
Thanks, I will give it a try.
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Looks promising. Saves a lot of time. Thank you!
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docker/sdk demo
will resetup and populate the database only.It will not remove existing data from storage and search. This can be done by:
docker/sdk console storage:delete docker/sdk console elasticsearch:index:delete docker/sdk console search:setup:sources
Then, you can run
docker/sdk demo
and be sure that there's no legacy data left.0 -
Sounds good
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Looks like
console search:setup:sources
is also executed duringdocker/sdk demo
.0 -
Okay. Does it also include the other two?
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