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hello i just tried to install the latest b2c demo with docker on my windows wsl setup. when i try to
yes already found it
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give me a minute or five
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thank you very much
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Sure. Do not forget to swith to master in docker/sdk
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They are fixing already: https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/6016
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But it will take time forsure
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okay good to know
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i hit the perfect timing to try it out it seems π
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There are not all surprises you would have. Watch docker-sync. It is tricky.
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Would you able to confirm it works on
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im currently uninstalling it. i cant just downgrade the version
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ill give you my feedback as soon as im ready
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it seems to work now
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okay never mind
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Thanks, Timo, for help in investigation. Good luck with your experimenting.
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at the last step from boot the same error occures
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docker -v
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Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b7f0
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inside the ubuntu shell
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Can you check Docker Desktop version?
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yes there its 19.03.5
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I am asking because upgraded to 19.03.8. So if you have it must be 19.03.5.
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It seems proper version was not installed.
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but docker -v returns 19.03.8. Right?
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