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hello i just tried to install the latest b2c demo with docker on my windows wsl setup. when i try to
still same error
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docker run -i --rm -mount type=volume,source=$(pwd)/docker,destination=/data/deployment alpine ls -al /data/deployment/deployment/_tmp
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timo@DESKTOP-RFFOEP5:~/b2c-demo-shop$ docker run -i --rm -mount type=volume,source=$(pwd)/docker,destination=/data/deployment alpine ls -al /data/deployment/deployment/_tmp invalid argument "ount" for "-m, --memory" flag: invalid size: 'ount' See 'docker run --help'. timo@DESKTOP-RFFOEP5:~/b2c-demo-shop$ docker run -i --rm --mount type=volume,source=$(pwd)/docker,destination=/data/deployment alpine ls -al /data/deployment/deployment/_tmp docker: Error response from daemon: create /home/timo/b2c-demo-shop/docker: "/home/timo/b2c-demo-shop/docker" includes invalid characters for a local volume name, only "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]" are allowed. If you intended to pass a host directory, use absolute path. See 'docker run --help'.
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Ah.. my badβ¦
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docker volume create --name my_test_volume --opt type=none --opt device=$(pwd)/docker --opt o=bind
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docker volume inspect my_test_volume
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docker run -i --rm -mount type=volume,source=my_test_volume,destination=/data/deployment alpine ls -al /data/deployment/deployment/_tmp
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timo@DESKTOP-RFFOEP5:~/b2c-demo-shop$ docker volume create --name my_test_volume --opt type=none --opt device=$(pwd)/docker --opt o=bind my_test_volume timo@DESKTOP-RFFOEP5:~/b2c-demo-shop$ docker volume inspect my_test_volume [ { "CreatedAt": "2020-03-26T22:11:02Z", "Driver": "local", "Labels": {}, "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/my_test_volume/_data", "Name": "my_test_volume", "Options": { "device": "/home/timo/b2c-demo-shop/docker", "o": "bind", "type": "none" }, "Scope": "local" } ] timo@DESKTOP-RFFOEP5:~/b2c-demo-shop$
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I assume something is missed in link between Windows and WSL. But who knows. I will try to reach our devops with this.
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