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How do people deal, in general, with inconsistent data in Yves?
@UKGT7RC7P letβs take PDP as an example. if the price is a mandatory filed for showing a PDP, in
, you can introduce the validation check and throw 404 exception, you donβt need to check all template/pages0 -
sure -- but overriding the storage client isn't a very nice thing to do
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and there is no built-in way of ensuring consistent data
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whatever your buseiness rules might be
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in the end you just have an unstructured array from storage (or NULL)
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must return transfer-object not array0 -
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my mistake, but that in turn has no validation rules π
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/** * @param int $idProduct * @param string $localeName * @param array $selectedAttributes * * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\ProductViewTransfer|null */ public function findProductViewTransfer(int $idProduct, string $localeName, array $selectedAttributes = []): ?ProductViewTransfer
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a product view transfer doesn't mean a valid product view transfer as everything is nullable (which is a general problem with TOs in Spryker - none of them can be guaranteed to be valid at any given point in time but they are used in a way where they are expected to be valid)
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and problems happen in the expanders
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if expander fails with null or missing index in array, this is a bug and we need to fix it
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(I think I was thinking of the Search / Catalog data when I mentioned the raw arrays)
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