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Can you share with me why Spryker choose Propel instead of Doctrine?

The answer is within 2011-2013 somewhere, so too long ago I think for most of us to know for sure.
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Back then the decision was taken due to the more simplistic approach of Propel. You can argue if this is still valid or not, but that's not the point.
When we founded Spryker, a good part of the code base was taken from an internal framework (Yves & Zed) developed by Project A and back then we had a very long list of things to adapt and change to lay the foundation of what Spryker is today.
One of the things on the list was to exchange Propel by Doctrine, especially as I see a lot of value in the data mapper which would have been handy in a lot of places. But we decided against as the effort needed would have nearly a complete rewrite of the Spryker base compared against very little value add using Doctrine instead.In the end, even as I was the one always arguing for migrating to Doctrine, I think that this decision was good one, while other decisions, like starting without a message queue were clearly wrong and it's good Spryker has challenged and fixed a lot of those decision that we did in the early days.
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☝ Alberto is right about this. Back then we checked Doctrine and decided against it. Doctrine is quite complex and Propel is lightweight but powerful.
The only bad thing about Propel v1 architecture is the active record pattern which connects the entities with the ORM. This forced us to introduce another - independent - type of data objects (~ the transfer objects).
Another problem was that propel wasn't maintained anymore, that's why Spryker took it over some years ago.
I think Propel 2 improved this, but @UQK3ZPJEN knows this much better.
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Just my 2 cents: even though at first I didn’t like Propel (I already had experience, and I was pretty comfortable with Doctrine), the idea of these intermediate DTOs between the persistence layer and the domain logic was really clever and well done.
The main issue I see (almost daily) is that you must double-check that the data inside the DTO is fulfilled and not null. Otherwise, you might get anull pointer exception
… but for this, PHP 8 got a new handy feature: the null safe operator in which you can now check nested values:$foo?->bar?->baz()?->boo?->baa();
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The new DTOs also have a orFail() method wrapper to check for when you know it should not be null.
This is the better and more clear way of using it instead of ?-> for required fields.
For optional fields I agree 🙂0 -
Right! I usually use the
version, I don’t know why I forgot to mention that 🤦🏼 Also, you can add thestrict=true
in the XML definition from the DTO at property level or to the whole DTO. Especially good for new DTOs or the ones that you own if you want to ensure strictness to the properties 🧠0
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