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Hi community! I am working with the `marketplace` solution and I was recently updating the composer
Hi community!
I am working with the marketplace
solution and I was recently updating the composer module zed-ui
from version 0.3.12
to 0.4.3
However, updating from version 0.3.x
to 0.4.x
came with those breaking changes according to the Github release:
• Removed index.ts
• Removed app.module.ts
• Removed environment.prod.ts
• Removed environment.ts
• Removed index.html
• Removed main.ts
• Removed polyfills.ts
These changes mess with the setup of tsconfig.mp.json
and with angular.json
. Is there a migration guide for this particular problem?
@UTJU5PD6F Can you please answer?
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Yes we've moved all main files to project level for customization purposes.
I'm not quite sure if we have a public migration guide yet but you can check our public suite to see how the files should be.
Just make sure to update build files like all tsconfigs, angular.json, builder files and create all project main files that were moved here.0 -
Hi, thanks for the quick answer! I'll try your suggestions, thank you!
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Well, I could resolve some issues, but I still can't build the merchant portal by running
docker/sdk console frontend:mp:build
(Prior to that, I randocker/sdk console frontend:project:install-dependencies
)I don't really know what's the problem with angular now.
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I am still trying to solve those issues and now I got this issue, which relates to a file in
.Any thoughts what could be wrong here?
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