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Hi, we have the following problem and i am searching for some ideas and opinions: There is an extern
Hi, we have the following problem and i am searching for some ideas and opinions: There is an external product configurator that will send us the configuration (everything, names, prices) with a proprietary xml format. In our shop there are no products that are representing this configuration. My assumption is that spryker businesscode will have a hard time to interpret this data so it can added to cart and bought as long there is no product representation for this in the database
First (and probably easiest) solution that comes to my mind would be to create the products "on the fly" everytime the configurator sends us this data, so cart and checkout can work without bigger changes, but i dont like this idea, because i am afraid that the database will bloat more and more with this custom created products. Maybe you have some interesting ideas to solve this?
giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ Lรถffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 ๐ง๐ปโ๐ - Cadet
Dummy Product and then decorate the product every time.... the external product configurator save in db and then one or more expander plugins that decorate the dummy product according the relation to external product configurator...
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ah ok interesting idea, and checkoutvalidation-conditions are checking against quote-object within the sessiondata so there needs not be everything in database i guess?
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ Lรถffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 ๐ง๐ปโ๐ - Cadet
the external product configuration i would save into db, in order to expand the product also in submitted order or sales return feature etc..
For example u have a new property in ItemTransfer called
and the expander plugin just expand the ItemTransfer according the data saved into db...Of course these products are only for adding into cart... and order it.... represent it on PDP it will be very complex...
I think that the u need a very concept to make the right decision...
Should I have a pdp for this products? Are these products searchable or not?
Or it is just a response from an external product configurator and in response the article is just added into cart??!?!
There are a lot lot of question to answer...
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thanks, your ideas already helped ๐
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 โ๏ธ - Guardians (admin)
Maybe this concept could also be related/interesting to look into: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/user/features/202108.0/configurable-product-feature-overview.html#product-configurator
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Yeah in my first spryker project we also did this with dummy products.
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