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hey guys, I have a small question regarding a docker/sdk setup: In the store .env files, docker/sdk

hey guys, I have a small question regarding a docker/sdk setup: In the store .env files, docker/sdk generates SPRYKER_OAUTH_KEY_PRIVATE
with \n
replaced by __LINE__
, see also method buildSecrets()
of the docker/generator/index.php
- my question is: If we pass this directly to Spryker with an entry in config_default.php
(taken from b2c demo shop):
$config[OauthConstants::ENCRYPTION_KEY] = getenv('SPRYKER_OAUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY') ?: null;
then this __LINE__
stuff will be still in the string, which will lead to that string being finally passed to \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey
, which in the constructor doesn't match the RSA_KEY_PATTERN anymore (because it expects an actual linebreak). How to solve this? Is this expected to be like this? It looks like a bug. My proposal solution: str_replace('__LINE__', "\n", getenv('SPRYKER_OAUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY') ?: '');
in config_default.php instead of the aforementioned. Thoughts?
Hello Rene,
You are right. The docker/sdk feature is quite new and wonβt be integrated in 202009 demo shops.
The code will be like this:
$config[OauthConstants::PRIVATE_KEY_PATH] = str_replace( ['__LINE__', '\/'], [PHP_EOL, '/'], getenv('SPRYKER_OAUTH_KEY_PRIVATE') ?: '' ) ?: null; $config[OauthConstants::PUBLIC_KEY_PATH] = $config[OauthCryptographyConstants::PUBLIC_KEY_PATH] = str_replace( ['__LINE__', '\/'], [PHP_EOL, '/'], getenv('SPRYKER_OAUTH_KEY_PUBLIC') ?: '' ) ?: null; $config[OauthConstants::ENCRYPTION_KEY] = getenv('SPRYKER_OAUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY') ?: null; $config[OauthConstants::OAUTH_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER] = getenv('SPRYKER_OAUTH_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER') ?: null; $config[OauthConstants::OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET] = getenv('SPRYKER_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET') ?: null;
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Hi @ULYHPR789 thanks for the info, that helped a lot π have some nice holidays π
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