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Hi All, I have one question and its about Glue. In the latest version of Glue-Application most of t

UT0RKKX8W Posts: 18 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

Hi All, I have one question and its about Glue. In the latest version of Glue-Application most of the functionality classes has been marked as @deprecated, strangely the completely Rest folder and there are no info what is going to replace these classes. Does anyone has any information or same concerns?


  • Alberto Reyer
    Alberto Reyer Lead Spryker Solution Architect / Technical Director Posts: 690 πŸͺ - Explorer

    They are replaced as in the future Glue will be decoupled from Rest/JSON-API.

    Glue will serve as an infrastructure to build any API on top and Rest or JSON-API are only default API implementations.
    For now Glue is mixed with JSON-API and Rest.
    The Rest folder will be replaced by https://github.com/spryker/glue-rest-api-convention in the future (at least that my last information)

  • Alberto Reyer
    Alberto Reyer Lead Spryker Solution Architect / Technical Director Posts: 690 πŸͺ - Explorer

    But to my knowledge there is no documentation yet for the Split of Glue, JsonApiConvention and RestConvention.

    UT0RKKX8W Posts: 18 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    Thank you very much for the information